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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Introduction to Live CDs

Hello visitors,

I have not been active in this blog for about a year, was actually busy with some other stuffs and all others things but now as I got some free time I thought of posting some essential information and tutorials that might help you ;)

So to start with, what are actually malware(or we can say a computer virus in simple terms) well these are programs that infect your computer and causes the computer to behave abnormally like a degrade in performance,  prevent execution of essential programs incl task manager or even at worst scenario won't let your computer start. For this a traditional Antiviruses can help you with the problem of removal of these viruses or even preventing them in first place. But what if a scenario comes where your Antivirus/suite misses that virus and your computer won't boot properly or even won't boot at all due to that virus.Unfortunately viruses have been evolved to an exponential level and also the severity is very high. Virus writers have become more and more intelligent regarding the technology used in developing a virus so that it becomes difficult to detect and at the same time get its work done. Some viruses are stubborn to remove in realtime hence require special expertise to remove. Also in many cases a viruses infects some important files of your system in such a way that the given virus can only be removed only when that important system file is removed which will eventually lead to instability of the system. So the straight forward solution is to format your computer but it may also be the case where your computer(preferably C drive) may contain important data which may be lost if formatted. Hence for this reasons a LiveCD(Rescue Disk) comes into picture.

A LiveCD is basically a tool that can be used when your computer isn't able to boot(startup) normally or even in a case where it won't boot at all. So a LiveCD helps you to restore you system to a stable/working state or even under certain scenarios help you to take backup of your important data prior of being formatted.

Notably all reputed Antivirus companies provide a LiveCD of their own. Basically a LiveCD consist of corresponding Antivirus manufacturer's scanner which will scan you computer during boot time and other modules(A linux distribution in most of the cases) which help in data retrieval i.e. a LiveCD can also be said as a very small operating system(mostly linux flavors...I will be explaining you in a separate post) which can run directly from the RAM so we can say it will create a miniOS from which is be help us retrieving important data from our system.

Below are the download links of LiveCDs(they are called with different names but all the names are one and the same) having .iso as an extention from different AV companies : 
Vba32 Rescue CD  ......there are many more but these are the most notable ones and free to use.

Size of the LiveCD(.iso files) range from 100Mb to 350Mb so these can be burned and can be made a bootable CDs. Once you download the .iso file burn directly with any CD/DVD burning software of your choice(Image burn, Nero Burning Lite). Once burned your CD will become a bootable CD. Now just you have to do is to change the boot priority of you computer's BIOS. This can be done while starting the computer and pressing F2(or F8,F12...depending upon the computer manufacturer) and give first priority to CD/DVD drive and then restart. Now your computer will boot from CD and there you go you can maneuver with the LiveCD and save your system from crashing or restoring it.

Well guys this was just an introduction regarding the LiveCD, In my next post I will be providing tutorial in using some of the LiveCDs(mostly Dr.Web, AVG and Kaspersky)

Ishan ;)

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